Why is the Comments Section the Best Part of TikTok?
October 2024

By Cait McNamara

We all know TikTok for its endlessly scrollable, bite-sized videos, but the comments section is where TikTok really thrives. It’s where strangers come together to roast, praise, and create entire subcultures of inside jokes. Keep reading to find out why the comments section deserves a standing ovation and what it means for brands.  

  1. TikTok Comments Have Evolved into a Cultural Language

TikTok comments aren’t just feedback—they’re a whole new language. There’s an unspoken rule book that users seem to follow, full of shorthand, inside jokes, and cultural references that make sense to anyone who spends enough time on the app. It’s a community where everyone just gets the humour without needing a detailed explanation. 

Whether it’s sharing how the video relates to them or simply dropping a witty one-liner, the comments often enhance the experience of the video. The platform has created a space where viewers become part of the content, and the community thrives.  

  1. The Comments Section Is Its Own Entertainment

We’ve all been there, scrolling through TikTok, laughing at a funny video, only to find ourselves cackling at the comments below it. TikTok’s comments section is like a live audience that’s always on point with its jokes and commentary. People don’t just react, they build on the humour, creating an entire conversation around the content. 

This sense of community, where people riff off one another, makes TikTok different from other platforms. It’s not just about watching videos; it’s about participating in the collective reaction to them. 

  1. It’s a Space for Unfiltered Authenticity

TikTok comments are refreshingly real. There’s a rawness in the way people comment—whether they’re making jokes, offering insights, or even calling something out. Unlike other platforms that feel more curated or polished, TikTok’s comments are a mix of humour, honesty, and a little bit of chaos, making it feel more like an inside joke you’re part of. 

  1. It’s Where the Inside Jokes Are Born

TikTok’s comments are a breeding ground for inside jokes that sometimes only make sense if you’re a regular. One of the most recent examples is the “subtle foreshadowing 🤔” trend. As well as being a TikTok trend in its own right, it’s also been a classic comment dropped on videos where something inevitably is about to go wrong, like someone about to drop their giant iced coffee or slip down a flight of stairs.  

Then there’s the “moo DENG 💜” comment trend, where you mix lowercase, uppercase, and the purple heart emoji. The origins? It traces back to a comment by Donatella Versace on Bella Hadid’s Instagram. Bella posted a serious message about Palestine, and Donatella chimed in with: “donatella VERSACE 💜.” It was so absurd in its context—supportive but oddly misplaced—that it became a meme.  

What Does This Mean for Brands? 

TikTok’s comments section is more than just a place for reactions; it’s where the platform’s humour, culture, and community really come together. But how can brands take advantage of this? Well, by being part of the conversation. By tapping into cultural moments, getting involved in the inside jokes (catch us leaving favola AGENCY 💜 comments all over your FYP) and engaging with the TikTok community, brands can raise their social profile and show off their personality. Brands like Duolingo, ELF Cosmetics and Ryanair are already experts at this, using it as a strategy to increase brand awareness and engage with their community.  

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